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Scientific health benefits of Rudraksha beads
14 Jan, 2022

Scientific health benefits of Rudraksha beads

Rudraksha beads have been worn for thousands of years as a way to keep your mind and body balanced. In the modern world, nearly 90% of people face fitness problems because of their existing choices. Due to our fast-moving life, we've fallen prey to numerous illnesses like hypertension, insomnia, diabetes, depression, coronary heart and mental problems. When we move deeper in analyzing those problems, we have seen a common source and that is, the imbalance between our mind, frame, and soul. Our historical texts maintain a magical treatment for those self-inflicted human problems and that is called Rudraksha.

Rudraksha seeds and rudraksha bracelets have been used for thousands of years to help manage mental stress and ensure overall wellness. They are believed to help Scientific Health Benefits of Rudraksha with  the following:

Stabilizing Benefit

Our body is sort of a device with an in-built bio-electric powered circuit. Each body element connects with a continuous glide of blood from the coronary heart to the brain and then to the rest of our body. In the normal course of events, the circuit in our body works perfectly but stress causes it to malfunction and disrupts its flow.

Magnetic Benefits:

Rudraksha beads act like magnets due to their property of dynamic polarity. These beads clear interferences and blockages in our body circuit, helping the blood flow in our bodies smooth and removing waste from our bodies helping it keep healthy.

Personality shaping benefits:

Special Rudraksha beads can improve specific personality traits. Wearing a Rudraksha necklace can help improve your personality traits like confidence, intelligence, and patience. 1 Mukhi Rudraksha beads are known for their ability to make the wearer more patient, 4 and 6 Mukhi Rudraksha beads beautify the mind of a being, 9 Mukhi Rudraksha beads increase the self-belief stage of the wearer.

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